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Free Applications For LightArmy

Important Note

You need LightArmy to use these applications.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Restore Files (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="restore_files">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">restore_files</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Lister Configuration-->
    <config name="restore">
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="directories"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is restore_files.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.restore.all

      If all files and directries inside source root directory will be processed.

    8. core.restore.directories

      The directories list inside source root directory will be processed.

    9. core.restore.exceptions

      The files list inside source root directory will not be processed.

    10. core.restore.files

      The files list inside source root directory will be processed.

    11. core.restore.source

      The root source directory.

    12. core.restore.destination

      The root destination directory.

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="restore_files">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">restore_files</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[RestoreDataFiles]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[Restore Data Files]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--backup Configuration-->
    <config name="restore">
    <config name="all">0</config>
    <config name="directories">System,Colony</config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files">index.php</config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ant Runtime Monitor (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="ant_monitor">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">ant_monitor</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Worker Location -->
    <config name="location"></config>
    <config name="ants"></config>
    <config name="exceptionants"></config>

  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is ant_monitor.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.location

      The path to location of workers.

    8. core.ants

      The list of ant (queen and worker) identities.

    9. core.exceptionants

      The list of ant (queen and worker) exceptions.

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="ant_monitor">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">ant_monitor</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[AntMonitor]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[Ant Monitor]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Worker location-->
    <config name="location"><![CDATA[Colony/Workers/,Colony/Queens/]]></config>
    <config name="ants"><![CDATA[System/Queen/]]></config>
    <config name="exceptionants"><![CDATA[]]></config>

XML Exporter (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="xml_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">xml_export</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Export Configuration -->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="contenttype"></config>
    <config name="converter"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark"></config>
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="rowtag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>
    <config name="encoding"></config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile"></config>
    <config name="filename"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="method"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="dbtype"></config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username"></config>
    <config name="password"></config>
    <config name="dbname"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is xml_export.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.export.source.type

      The type of source. Source type can be: file, or folder.

    8. core.export.source.definition

      The definition of the source, actual location defined by its type.

    9. core.export.source.all

      If all source contents will be processed.

    10. core.export.source.exceptions

      Some exceptions from source. Separate list using comma.

    11. core.export.source.files

      Additional files as source.

    12. core.export.source.extension

      The file extension of the source.

    13. core.export.destination.type

      The type of destination. Type can be: filesystem, table or database.

    14. core.export.destination.definition

      The definition for destination type, actual location defined by its type.

    15. core.export.destination.contenttype

      The content-type of destination data file.

    16. core.export.destination.converter

      The converter name if exists.

    17. core.export.destination.extension

      The destination file extension.

    18. core.databases.destdb.dbtype

      The database type of connection. The database connection for data destination. See Adodb documentation for correct values.


      The host name or IP on which database is running.

    20. core.databases.destdb.username

      The username to make a connection to database.

    21. core.databases.destdb.password

      The password of username to make a connection to database.

    22. core.databases.destdb.dbname

      The name of database on which data will be stored or retrieved.

    23. core.export.xml.xmlmark

      If xml data includes xml marker. If using xmlmark, set value to 1, you may need to define its xml encoding.

    24. core.export.xml.roottag

      The root tag of xml data.

    25. core.export.xml.rowtag

      The row tag of xml data.

    26. core.export.xml.extension

      The xml file extension.

    27. core.export.xml.encoding

      The xml file data encoding. Default to UTF-8.

    28. core.export.dif.title

      The title for dif data.

    29. core.export.dif.extension

      The file extension of dif file.

    30. core.export.json.roottag

      The root tag of json data.

    31. core.export.json.extension

      The file extension of json file.

    32. core.export.excel.singlefile

      If destination excel file is only one.

    33. core.export.excel.flename

      The file name of excel file.

    34. core.export.excel.extension

      The file extension of excel file.


      The file extension of tab file.

    36. core.export.csv.extension

      The file extension of csv file.

    37. core.export.title

      If title will be included inside destination data if applicable.

    38. core.export.method

      The method regarding existing destination file. Method can be: replace or none.

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="xml_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">xml_export</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[XMLExport]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[XML Export]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="type">DATABASE</config>
    <config name="dbtype">mysql</config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username">root</config>
    <config name="password"></config>
    <config name="dbname">test</config>

    <!--Export Configuration-->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type">folder</config>
    <config name="definition"><![CDATA[/tmp/]]></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="all">1</config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="extension">xml</config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type">filesystem</config>
    <config name="definition">/tmp/</config>
    <config name="contenttype">excel</config>
    <config name="converter">pdf</config>
    <config name="extension">tbl</config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark">1</config>
    <config name="encoding">UTF-8</config>
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="rowtag">row</config>
    <config name="extension">xml</config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title">root</config>
    <config name="extension">dif</config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="extension">json</config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile">0</config>
    <config name="filename">ciis.xls</config>
    <config name="extension">xls</config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension">tab</config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension">csv</config>

    <config name="title">1</config>
    <config name="method">replace</config>

Tab Export er(Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="tab_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">tab_export</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Export Configuration -->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>
    <config name="title"></config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="contenttype"></config>
    <config name="converter"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark"></config>
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="rowtag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>
    <config name="encoding"></config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile"></config>
    <config name="filename"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="method"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="dbtype"></config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username"></config>
    <config name="password"></config>
    <config name="dbname"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is tab_export.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.export.source.type

      The type of source. Source type can be: file, or folder.

    8. core.export.source.definition

      The definition of the source, actual location defined by its type.

    9. core.export.source.all

      If all source contents will be processed.

    10. core.export.source.exceptions

      Some exceptions from source. Separate list using comma.

    11. core.export.source.files

      Additional files as source.

    12. core.export.source.extension

      The file extension of the source.

    13. core.export.source.title

      It title exists at first row.

    14. core.export.destination.type

      The type of destination. Type can be: filesystem, table or database.

    15. core.export.destination.definition

      The definition for destination type, actual location defined by its type.

    16. core.export.destination.contenttype

      The content-type of destination data file.

    17. core.export.destination.converter

      The converter name if exists.

    18. core.export.destination.extension

      The destination file extension.

    19. core.databases.destdb.dbtype

      The database type of connection. The database connection for data destination. See Adodb documentation for correct values.


      The host name or IP on which database is running.

    21. core.databases.destdb.username

      The username to make a connection to database.

    22. core.databases.destdb.password

      The password of username to make a connection to database.

    23. core.databases.destdb.dbname

      The name of database on which data will be stored or retrieved.

    24. core.export.xml.xmlmark

      If xml data includes xml marker. If using xmlmark, set value to 1, you may need to define its xml encoding.

    25. core.export.xml.roottag

      The root tag of xml data.

    26. core.export.xml.rowtag

      The row tag of xml data.

    27. core.export.xml.extension

      The xml file extension.

    28. core.export.xml.encoding

      The xml file data encoding. Default to UTF-8.

    29. core.export.dif.title

      The title for dif data.

    30. core.export.dif.extension

      The file extension of dif file.

    31. core.export.json.roottag

      The root tag of json data.

    32. core.export.json.extension

      The file extension of json file.

    33. core.export.excel.singlefile

      If destination excel file is only one.

    34. core.export.excel.flename

      The file name of excel file.

    35. core.export.excel.extension

      The file extension of excel file.


      The file extension of tab file.

    37. core.export.csv.extension

      The file extension of csv file.

    38. core.export.title

      If title will be included inside destination data if applicable.

    39. core.export.method

      The method regarding existing destination file. Method can be: replace or none.

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="tab_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">tab_export</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[TabExport]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[Tab Export]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="type">DATABASE</config>
    <config name="dbtype">mysql</config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username">root</config>
    <config name="password"></config>
    <config name="dbname">test</config>

    <!--Export Configuration-->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type">folder</config>
    <config name="definition"><![CDATA[/tmp/]]></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="all">1</config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="extension">tab</config>
    <config name="title">1</config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type">filesystem</config>
    <config name="definition">/tmp/</config>
    <config name="contenttype">excel</config>
    <config name="converter">pdf</config>
    <config name="extension">tbl</config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark">1</config>
    <config name="encoding">UTF-8</config>
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="rowtag">row</config>
    <config name="extension">xml</config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title">root</config>
    <config name="extension">dif</config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="extension">json</config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile">0</config>
    <config name="filename">ciis.xls</config>
    <config name="extension">xls</config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension">tab</config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension">csv</config>

    <config name="title">1</config>
    <config name="method">replace</config>

JSON Exporter (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="json_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">json_export</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Export Configuration -->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type"></config>
    <config name="definition"></config>
    <config name="contenttype"></config>
    <config name="converter"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark"></config>
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="rowtag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>
    <config name="encoding"></config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile"></config>
    <config name="filename"></config>
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension"></config>

    <config name="title"></config>
    <config name="method"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="dbtype"></config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username"></config>
    <config name="password"></config>
    <config name="dbname"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is json_export.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.export.source.type

      The type of source. Source type can be: file, or folder.

    8. core.export.source.definition

      The definition of the source, actual location defined by its type.

    9. core.export.source.all

      If all source contents will be processed.

    10. core.export.source.exceptions

      Some exceptions from source. Separate list using comma.

    11. core.export.source.files

      Additional files as source.

    12. core.export.source.extension

      The file extension of the source.

    13. core.export.destination.type

      The type of destination. Type can be: filesystem, table or database.

    14. core.export.destination.definition

      The definition for destination type, actual location defined by its type.

    15. core.export.destination.contenttype

      The content-type of destination data file.

    16. core.export.destination.converter

      The converter name if exists.

    17. core.export.destination.extension

      The destination file extension.

    18. core.databases.destdb.dbtype

      The database type of connection. The database connection for data destination. See Adodb documentation for correct values.


      The host name or IP on which database is running.

    20. core.databases.destdb.username

      The username to make a connection to database.

    21. core.databases.destdb.password

      The password of username to make a connection to database.

    22. core.databases.destdb.dbname

      The name of database on which data will be stored or retrieved.

    23. core.export.xml.xmlmark

      If xml data includes xml marker. If using xmlmark, set value to 1, you may need to define its xml encoding.

    24. core.export.xml.roottag

      The root tag of xml data.

    25. core.export.xml.rowtag

      The row tag of xml data.

    26. core.export.xml.extension

      The xml file extension.

    27. core.export.xml.encoding

      The xml file data encoding. Default to UTF-8.

    28. core.export.dif.title

      The title for dif data.

    29. core.export.dif.extension

      The file extension of dif file.

    30. core.export.json.roottag

      The root tag of json data.

    31. core.export.json.extension

      The file extension of json file.

    32. core.export.excel.singlefile

      If destination excel file is only one.

    33. core.export.excel.flename

      The file name of excel file.

    34. core.export.excel.extension

      The file extension of excel file.


      The file extension of tab file.

    36. core.export.csv.extension

      The file extension of csv file.

    37. core.export.title

      If title will be included inside destination data if applicable.

    38. core.export.method

      The method regarding existing destination file. Method can be: replace or none.

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="json_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">json_export</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[JSONExport]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[JSON Export]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!-- Destination Database Connection -->
    <config name="databases">
    <config name="destdb">
    <config name="type">DATABASE</config>
    <config name="dbtype">mysql</config>
    <config name="host"></config>
    <config name="username">root</config>
    <config name="password">13294132el</config>
    <config name="dbname">test</config>

    <!--Export Configuration-->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="source">
    <!--types: file, folder-->
    <config name="type">folder</config>
    <config name="definition"><![CDATA[/tmp/]]></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="all">1</config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="extension">json</config>

    <config name="destination">
    <!--types: filesystem, table, database-->
    <config name="type">filesystem</config>
    <config name="definition">/tmp/</config>
    <config name="contenttype">excel</config>
    <config name="converter">pdf</config>
    <config name="extension">tbl</config>

    <config name="xml">
    <config name="xmlmark">1</config>
    <config name="encoding">UTF-8</config>
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="rowtag">row</config>
    <config name="extension">xml</config>

    <config name="dif">
    <config name="title">root</config>
    <config name="extension">dif</config>

    <config name="json">
    <config name="roottag">root</config>
    <config name="extension">json</config>

    <config name="excel">
    <config name="singlefile">0</config>
    <config name="filename">ciis.xls</config>
    <config name="extension">xls</config>

    <config name="tab">
    <config name="extension">tab</config>

    <config name="csv">
    <config name="extension">csv</config>

    <config name="title">1</config>
    <config name="method">replace</config>

Files Updater (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="files_update">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">files_update</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Lister Configuration-->
    <config name="update">
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="directories"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is files_update.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.update.all

      If all source contents will be processed.

    8. core.update.directories

      The list of directories to be updated. Separate list by comma.

    9. core.update.exceptions

      The list of exception files or folders. Separate list by comma.

    10. core.update.files

      The list of files to be exported. Separate list by comma.

    11. core.update.source

      The source folder (directory).

    12. core.update.distination

      The destination folder (directory).

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="files_update">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">files_update</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[UpdateDataFiles]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[Update Data Files]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Update Configuration-->
    <config name="update">
    <config name="all">0</config>
    <config name="directories">System,Colony</config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files">index.php</config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


Files Exporter (Worker Process)

Manifest Contents

  1. Structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="files_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">files_export</config>
    <config name="name"></config>
    <config name="description"></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--Lister Configuration-->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="all"></config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="directories"></config>
    <config name="exceptions"></config>
    <config name="files"></config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


  2. Parameters

    1. id

      The identity of manifest.

    2. core.process.type

      The process type of manifest. Type is files_export.


      The name given to this manifest.

    4. core.process.description

      The additional information to manifest.

    5. core.process.start

      The first date (time) the process will be executed.

    6. core.process.end

      The last date (time) the process will be executed.

    7. core.export.all

      If all source contents will be processed.

    8. core.export.source

      The source folder (directory).

    9. core.export.directories

      The list of directories to be exported. Separate list by comma.

    10. core.export.exceptions

      The list of exception files or folders. Separate list by comma.

    11. core.export.files

      The list of files to be exported. Separate list by comma.

    12. core.export.destination

      The destination folder (directory).

  3. Example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration id="files_export">
    <section name="core">
    <!-- Process Configuration-->
    <config name="process">
    <config name="type">files_export</config>
    <config name="name"><![CDATA[ExportDataFiles]]></config>
    <config name="description"><![CDATA[Export Data Files]]></config>
    <config name="start"></config>
    <config name="end"></config>

    <!--backup Configuration-->
    <config name="export">
    <config name="all">1</config>
    <config name="source"></config>
    <config name="directories">System,Colony</config>
    <config name="exceptions">Backups,Cache,LogFiles</config>
    <config name="files">index.php</config>
    <config name="destination"></config>


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IT Professional, Institut Teknologi Bandung