- Structure
- Parameters
- id
The identity of manifest.
- core.process.type
The process type of manifest. Type is xml_export.
- core.process.name
The name given to this manifest.
- core.process.description
The additional information to manifest.
- core.process.start
The first date (time) the process will be executed.
- core.process.end
The last date (time) the process will be executed.
- core.export.source.type
The type of source. Source type can be: file, or folder.
- core.export.source.definition
The definition of the source, actual location defined by its type.
- core.export.source.all
If all source contents will be processed.
- core.export.source.exceptions
Some exceptions from source. Separate list using comma.
- core.export.source.files
Additional files as source.
- core.export.source.extension
The file extension of the source.
- core.export.destination.type
The type of destination. Type can be: filesystem, table or database.
- core.export.destination.definition
The definition for destination type, actual location defined by its type.
- core.export.destination.contenttype
The content-type of destination data file.
- core.export.destination.converter
The converter name if exists.
- core.export.destination.extension
The destination file extension.
- core.databases.destdb.dbtype
The database type of connection. The database connection for data destination. See Adodb documentation for correct values.
- core.databases.destdb.host
The host name or IP on which database is running.
- core.databases.destdb.username
The username to make a connection to database.
- core.databases.destdb.password
The password of username to make a connection to database.
- core.databases.destdb.dbname
The name of database on which data will be stored or retrieved.
- core.export.xml.xmlmark
If xml data includes xml marker. If using xmlmark, set value to 1, you may need to define its xml encoding.
- core.export.xml.roottag
The root tag of xml data.
- core.export.xml.rowtag
The row tag of xml data.
- core.export.xml.extension
The xml file extension.
- core.export.xml.encoding
The xml file data encoding. Default to UTF-8.
- core.export.dif.title
The title for dif data.
- core.export.dif.extension
The file extension of dif file.
- core.export.json.roottag
The root tag of json data.
- core.export.json.extension
The file extension of json file.
- core.export.excel.singlefile
If destination excel file is only one.
- core.export.excel.flename
The file name of excel file.
- core.export.excel.extension
The file extension of excel file.
- core.export.tab.extension
The file extension of tab file.
- core.export.csv.extension
The file extension of csv file.
- core.export.title
If title will be included inside destination data if applicable.
- core.export.method
The method regarding existing destination file. Method can be: replace or none.
- id
- Example
Important Note
You need LightArmy to use these applications.
PHP LightArmy
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
XML Exporter (Worker Process)
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